Sunday, March 08, 2009

Spring Fashion

So I was in Target this afternoon to pick up my prescription and Target is just one of those stores that you MUST wander around before you leave. So I wandered over to the clothing section and then over to shoes. They have some really great things out right now for spring (hopefully I'll go back and get a new Easter dress and shoes) but there was one thing that caught my attention and a little smile. This year the slight nautical theme and combination of navy blue and white is in style again. This brought back the memory of a navy blue dress with jacket that I had back in high school and white and navy shoes that I had to match. They looked really sharp together and while I know I wouldn't pull them out again even if I still had them (and not that they would fit) but I'm hoping to pull off that fashion again this year with some updated navy and white. What fashions are you looking at bringing back for this spring?

P.S. Momma, (I'm sure I'll regret asking for an old picture of myself) but do you recall this outfit and do you have any pictures of me in it?


Dana in Georgia said...

I do remember that outfit, Giles. Very stylish in a timeless way.

Navy/nautical are good spring and summer colors. Until it really warms up (and I switch to white) I'm wearing a leopard print turtleneck under my denim pant suit.

I'll look around for some *old* pictures :)

Dana in Georgia said...

Finally saw that navy/white combo you mentioned.... now I'm wondering if you had a chance to go back and make a purchase?


I wore the green/white dress suit from Margaret's Bridesmaids Luncheon for Easter Sunday.