Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Disneynature's "earth"

Several weeks ago when I first saw a trailer for this movie I said to Dean "I want to see that when it comes out!" He, of course, said ok and that was that. Well, being the wonderful husband and rememberer of details that he is he came home from working at Starbucks one night last with a voucher. A voucher for what you may ask? The movie "earth"! It was a voucher for two to an advance screening of the movie and get this: it was free! Even better. So on this delightful Wednesday evening when I have no obligations since all my extra-curricular activities are taking a post-Easter break I tied on my shoes and headed out to the movie theater. Dean chose not to come with so it was a nice little me outing. It was well worth it. Despite the dozen or so children in the audience (the screening was hosted by Radio Disney so what do you expect?) that seemed to squirm, ask questions and hide there eyes at the closest possibility of an animal on the screen getting her it was a wonderful experience. The movie was filmed in conjunction with the BBC and several other companies, etc. some of whom were involved in the Discovery Channel series "Planet Earth." So, might I recommended to you all that one week from today (which is Earth Day) you buy an inexpensive weekday afternoon movie ticket and see this movie. (or maybe just go see it whenever you have time) It's well worth the money. James Earl Jones is the narrator and they follow three animal families: polar bears, whales and elephants over the course of almost two years. There are some sad parts (a couple animals die...) but its a beautiful, well made film with some truly amazing shots. The beautiful earth which God created is shown in all its glory in this film and that was the best part.

Here's a link to the film's trailer and you can look up where the movie's playing near you!

1 comment:

Dana in Georgia said...

Nice review.... too bad Piper wasnt able to go with you.

My movie suggestion? Look to see if A Widow's Might is playing anywhere near you right now.

It won the top award at the San Antonia Independent Movie Festival earlier this year. It's a feel-good story about a community helping out a widow.

I want to support it because it's made by a good group.