Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Okay, so forget my lack of a china cabinet woes. Dean and I have decided that despite my desperate wishes we probably don't have room so he's going to get shelves to install on the wall so that I can at least display all my pretty stuff. Problem solved. (the closet still needs work)

But, I digress.

This month is my birthday month and I'm starting to think (like my mother...oh dear...) that it's great to celebrate all month. I'm not sure how but it's going to happen. And since it's my birthday and I'm lacking so many things in my kitchen (per myself and Vivian) those things are what are making up most of my wish list. I'm hoping to get more into cooking (aka making time for more of a variety so my husband doesn't starve or get bored with his food...)

Anyway, here is my *things you really need* list from Vivian (with a few additions from myself):

Mixing Bowls (small & large)
Knife Set
Dutch Oven
Baking pans: 1 pie, loaf, muffin pan, bundt pan (12C)
Pots! (more...including a double boiler...I really want to fix Momma's brownies...)

I have gotten a few things crossed off the list that are not listed thanks to Williams-Sonoma and Macy's. We have a brand new and improved Williams-Sonoma Grand Cuisine store so gift cards are always great. *hinthint*

I'm off to clean up my kitchen and write down a few more recipes from Momma's blog. :-)


Dana in Georgia said...

is something like this on your list?

Dana in Georgia said...

or does that set contain too many *extra* pieces?

Noel said...

I've been doing that brownie recipe for years without a double boiler... It still tastes great!