Saturday, April 16, 2005

Saturday Night in the 'dale

These last few weeks have truly been crazy, this past week included, but I was truly grateful tonight to be able to go to dinner with cousin Julia and her roomie Jen, Kris-Twin, and Dean at El Cerrito, get ready to sit desk, have the first part of sitting desk include eating ice cream and hearing Dr. Reist speak to the honors students and then Have Kris-Twin come over and watch a movie and work on her art project with me watching over her shoulder. Dean is over at his house having a guys night, I think they're all watching pro-wrestling; it sounded like they were going to have a great time. Relaxation for us both is good. I'm almost ready for another busy week hoping all the while to get everything finished that I need too. I hope all the guys and gals at KKG formal had a good time! night

1 comment:

kk said...

Thanks for the update! I love you! I'll come and work on my project whenever you are sitting desk, if you want me to. It was so great to relax with you -- thanks for the pop and the popcorn!